What is your name? Ashlee
How old are you? 20
What grade are you in? College Senior
Where do you attend school? Western Carolina University
What sport(s) do you play? Soccer and Weightlifting
If you could achieve anything you wished for in your sport, what would it be? Play soccer professionally overseas
What is your favorite sports quote? You have to expect things from yourself before you can do them. -Michael Jordan
What is your favorite movie about sports? Remember the Titans
How does being an athlete make you a better person? It teaches me to work hard and earn everything. It’s also taught me how to be a leader
If you could play another sport what would it be? Basketball
What age were you when you started your sport? 3
What is your favorite food to eat the night before a big competition? Pasta and chicken
Who inspired you as a young athlete? Tim Howard
What one word describes you? Hardworking
What do you give up to play sports? A lot of my social life
What is your favorite place to compete? College Stadiums
Do you think attitude is a factor in winning? Yes, because you have to make yourself believe you’re going to win and be the best before you can do anything else.
How does athletics make you a better student or worker? It helps me manage my time between sport, school, and social life. It has also helped me develop leadership skills