What is your name? Sebastian Rose
How old are you? 13.7
What grade are you in? 8th (Almost 9th)
Where do you attend school? Carolina International School
What sport(s) do you play? Weightlifting, would like to start boxing
Why did you first choose your sport? The idea of traveling the country to compete
Why do you continue to play your sport? It’s fun, and my dad probably won’t let me
If you could achieve anything you wished for in your sport, what would it be? Gold medal
sweep at nationals
How important is achieving your sporting goals to you? 8.9/9.9
What is your favorite sports quote? I don’t know any
What emotions do you feel when you play well? Accomplishment
What is your favorite song to listen to prior to competing? No specific song, normally
whatever I can find
What is your favorite movie about sports? Remember the Titans
How does being an athlete make you a better person? A great way of learning
sportsmanship, and physical improvement
What is the one thing you always do after a good performance? Eat
What do you do to calm your butterflies while you compete? Talk to my dad and
If you could play another sport what would it be? Boxing
What age were you when you started your sport? Around 10-11
What is your favorite food to eat the night before a big competition? Any protein
Who inspired you as a young athlete? My Dad
What one word describes you? What
Who was your favorite coach and why? My dad. He’s my dad.
What do you give up to play sports? Homework time
What is your favorite place to compete? HWC
What mental tool do you use under pressure? Music, Friends
Do you think attitude is a factor in winning? Confidence
How does being an athlete inspire you to do good? It inspires me to constantly
improve myself physically and mentally.
How does athletics make you a better student or worker? The need for improvement
affects all aspects of my life